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About Us

Discover Our Story: Passion, Creativity, and Dedication.

At The Five Percents, we are dedicated to guiding students through the complex journey of college applications with personalized, real student advice. Founded by two recently admitted students from top universities, we offer comprehensive services, including essay building, college selection, and scholarship application assistance. Our goal is to help students navigate their academic and extracurricular choices, craft compelling personal statements, and secure the best opportunities for their futures. With our strategic guidance and firsthand experience, we empower students to achieve their college dreams and excel in their academic endeavors.

College Campus

Our Story

We are two international students who recently went through the college application process and got into our dream schools. Along the way, we realized we wanted to help other students achieve their college dreams as easily as possible.


We aim to be the big sister you may not have in this process, guiding you through crafting your essays, choosing your colleges, and building strong applications. Yael is heading to Harvard, and Mika to the University of Chicago, both with scholarships. We had different options but chose what we thought would be the best college for us, and we know the process inside out.


Passionate about writing, we each have different strengths that we want to share with you. Whether it's brainstorming essay ideas, editing drafts, or navigating the application process, we're here to support you every step of the way.


Join us, and let us help you achieve your college dreams.

Meet The Team

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