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  • Writer's pictureYael Danon

How should I write my personal statement for college? I am stuck.

They say, 'Writing a standout college essay can be the key to making your application shine.' When you hear this for the first time, you might start feeling anxious about getting it perfect. I certainly did. So I began crafting what I thought would be a flawless personal statement. My college counselor had asked me to identify my top qualities, with gratitude being the main one. Initially, I thought writing an essay about the little things I am grateful for would be the best way to showcase this quality. However, after starting the essay by mentioning how much I enjoyed frozen yogurt, I realized that perhaps this wasn't the best approach after all. It might have worked for someone else, but something about it didn’t feel quite authentic to me. I was forcing a story when all I had to do was feel the story.

Here are some tips to help you write a powerful personal statement:

  1. Start early: Give yourself time to brainstorm, draft, and revise your essay. Starting early allows you to refine your ideas and reduces stress due to time constraints.

  2. Be Yourself: Although it sounds cliché, being yourself actually works. Being yourself doesn’t mean talking about yourself throughout the entire essay. It means being able to write a story without forcing yourself to add unnecessary details about yourself. 

  3. Show, Don’t Tell: Instead of providing every little detail about yourself and what you did, show us. Use vivid descriptions and examples to illustrate your points rather than simply stating them. You want to paint a picture in the reader’s mind. This will make your essay more engaging and memorable.

  4. Choose a Unique Topic: In a world where almost everything already exists, the only thing that doesn't is another you. Many college essay topics are overused, such as mission trips and volunteering abroad, sports victories and injuries, tragedies and difficulties, “passion” essays, or discussing how an influential person impacted you. It's okay to express certain passions or difficulties you've overcome, but the crucial part is writing about them in a unique way.

  5. Be Honest: While you want to sound unique, it’s more important to sound honest. Do NOT exaggerate or fabricate details. Authenticity is more compelling than trying to impress.

  6. Stay on Topic: Ensure every part of your essay contributes to your main theme or message. Avoid going off on tangents. Just like in a movie with 12 different plots, getting lost before the middle is not enjoyable for anyone. Admissions officers read so many essays that they are bound to get distracted if your essay is confusing.

  7. Write Your Essay in a Comfortable Place: This might sound odd, but where you choose to write your essay can greatly affect its quality. Personally, when I wrote my essay in a public space or at a coffee shop, my stories felt more distant and sheltered. Being surrounded by people made my writing less vulnerable, as if I were speaking in front of an audience. On the other hand, when I sat in bed and imagined myself journaling before going to sleep, my story became more intimate, almost like a diary entry. This was exactly what I was aiming for when writing my essay. Yes, your mom might say that you should at least sit at the desk to work, but Gen Z sometimes works better in bed, lol.

Your Journey Begins Here

Crafting your college essay doesn’t have to be stressful. Remember to take deep breaths, trust in your story, and let your truth shine. Your journey to college starts here, and your personal statement is the perfect opportunity to make a memorable impression. We are here to help you make this process easier and unlock the creativity within you. Book a session with us through our website and let us help you shine.

Welcome to The Five Percents.

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